
  1. Create a restricted Splunk API user's role from the Splunk Web UI
    • `Settings` -> `Roles` -> `New Role`
    • Name: any, such as `graphistry_role`
    • For `capabilities`: `rest_properties get`, `rtsearch`, `search`
    • For `indexes`: Any that you want exposed to the investigtation team
  2. Create a restricted Splunk API user from the Splunk Web UI
    • `Settings` -> `Users` -> `New User`
    • Record their name/pwd
    • Assign them to the role `graphistry_user` from step 1
  3. Configure Graphistry's `custom.env` with the Splunk server and user information:
    ### Required
    ### Optional
  4. Restart and test the connector as per above. You can test the underlying Splunk API configuration by running from your local Splunk server and your Graphistry server:
    curl -u admin:changme https://splunk.host.name.here:8089/services/search/jobs/export -d search="search * | head 3" -d output_mode=csv