
Put connector credentials in `data/config/custom.env` and overall settings in `data/pivot-db/config/config.json`:

  1. Configure Graphistry's `data/config/custom.env` with the Neo4j server and user information:
  2. Optionally, for faster start, to be explicit about schema, or to avoid start issues, you may choose to disable default-on schema inference and optionally provide your own:

        "neo4j": {
            "searchMaxTime": 5000,
            "schema": {
                "inferSchema": false,
                "labelProperties": {
                    "MyLabel1": [ "my_field_1", "my_field_2" ],
                    "MyLabel2": [ "my_field_1", "my_field_3" ],
                    "MyLabel3": [ ]
                "relationshipProperties": {
                    "MY_RELN_1": [ "my_field_4" ],
                    "MY_RELN_2": []
                "defaultTimeIndex": {
                    "nodeProperties": ["my_field2"]
  3. Restart service `pivot`. In-tool, you can test the connection status for the connector panel by clicking the 'check status' button for the Neo4j connector. If there is an error, you can further test your Neo4j database network connectivity by trying a Graphistry Jupyter notebook demo for Neo4j to connect to Neo4j from the notebook.

Additional tips

  • Ontology: Most Neo4j databases do not follow a standard schema, so configure a custom ontology for colors, icons, etc.
  • Custom pivots: Cypher queries can be unintuitive or difficult for many users, so setup the common search and expansion cases as custom pivots