Class wrapping @graphistry/js-upload-api::Client for client->server File and Dataset uploads using username and password authentication.
Class wrapping @graphistry/js-upload-api::ClientPKey for client->server File and Dataset uploads using personal key authentication.
Class from @graphistry/js-upload-api::Dataset for combining files into a single visualizable graph.
Helper class from @graphistry/js-upload-api::EdgeFile for tracking intent when creating a File object for uploading.
Class from @graphistry/js-upload-api::File for uploading data and then reusing as part of Dataset graph visualizations.
Helper class from @graphistry/js-upload-api::NodeFile for tracking intent when creating a File object for uploading.
Add an exclusion to the visualization with the given expression
Name | Type | Description |
expr | string | An expression using the same language as our in-tool exclusion and filter panel |
GraphistryState A GraphistryState Observable that emits the result of the operation
.pipe(addExclusion('point:degree > 0'))
Add an exclusion to the visualization with the given expression
Name | Type | Description |
expr | array | Expressions using the same language as our in-tool exclusion and filter panel |
GraphistryState A GraphistryState Observable that emits the result of the operation
.pipe(addExclusions(['point:degree > 0'], ['edge:value > 0']))
Add a filter to the visualization with the given expression
Name | Type | Description |
expr | string | An expression using the same language as our in-tool exclusion and filter panel |
GraphistryState A GraphistryState Observable that emits the result of the operation
addFilter('point:degree > 0'),
addFilter('edge:value > 0'))
Add filters to the visualization with the given expression
Name | Type | Description |
expr | array | An array of expressions using the same language as our in-tool exclusion and filter panel |
GraphistryState A GraphistryState Observable that emits the result of the operation
.pipe(addFilters(['point:degree > 0', 'edge:value > 0'])));
(static) autocenter(percentile, cbopt)
Center the view of the graph
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
percentile | number | Controls sensitivity to outliers | |
cb | function | <optional> | Callback function of type callback(error, result) |
- To Do
- Implement this function
GraphistryState A GraphistryState Observable that emits the result of the operation
Add an axis to the graph
Type | Description |
Object |
GraphistryState A GraphistryState Observable that emits the result of the operation
encodeColor(graphTypeopt, attributeopt, variationopt, colorsOrMappingopt)
Change colors based on an attribute. Pass null for attribute, mapping to clear.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
graphType | GraphType | <optional> | 'point' or 'edge' |
attribute | Attribute | <optional> | name of data column, e.g., 'degree' |
variation | Variant | <optional> | If there are more bins than colors, use 'categorical' to repeat colors and 'continuous' to interpolate |
colorsOrMapping | any | <optional> | array of color name or hex codes, or object mapping |
GraphistryState A GraphistryState Observable that emits the result of the operation
.pipe(encodeColor('point', 'degree', 'categorical', ['black', 'white']))
Single-argument edge default icons (user-unset) based on an attribute for React props
Name | Type | Description |
array: | Array | undefined to reset; str to use directly; [str attr, mapping] |
GraphistryState A GraphistryState Observable that emits the result of the operation
.pipe(encodeDefaultEdgeIcons(['some_attr', some_mapping]))
encodeDefaultIcons(graphTypeopt, attributeopt, objectopt)
Change default (user-unset) icons based on an attribute. Pass undefined for attribute, mapping to clear.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
graphType | GraphType | <optional> | 'point' or 'edge' |
attribute | Attribute | <optional> | name of data column, e.g., 'icon' |
object | Mapping | <optional> | optional value mapping, e.g., {categorical: {fixed: {ip: 'laptop', alert: 'alaram'}, other: 'question'}} |
GraphistryState A GraphistryState Observable that emits the result of the operation
.pipe(encodeDefaultIcons('point', 'icon', 'some_attr'))
Single-argument point default icons (user-unset) based on an attribute for React props
Name | Type | Description |
array: | Array | undefined to reset; str to use directly; [str attr, mapping] |
GraphistryState A GraphistryState Observable that emits the result of the operation
.pipe(encodeDefaultPointIcons(['some_attr', some_mapping]))
Single-argument version of encodeColor used for React props
Name | Type | Description |
array: | Array | undefined to reset; str to use directly; [str attr, 'categorical' or 'continuous', [ str ] or mapping] |
GraphistryState A GraphistryState Observable that emits the result of the operation
.pipe(encodeEdgeColor(['degree', 'categorical', ['black', 'white']]))
Single-argument edge change icons based on an attribute for React props
Name | Type | Description |
array: | Array | undefined to reset; str to use directly; [str attr, mapping] |
GraphistryState A GraphistryState Observable that emits the result of the operation
.pipe(encodeEdgeIcons(['some_attr', some_mapping]))
encodeIcons(graphTypeopt, attributeopt, objectopt)
Change icons based on an attribute. Pass undefined for attribute, mapping to clear.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
graphType | GraphType | <optional> | 'point' or 'edge' |
attribute | Attribute | <optional> | name of data column, e.g., 'icon' |
object | Mapping | <optional> | optional value mapping, e.g., {categorical: {fixed: {ip: 'laptop', alert: 'alaram'}, other: 'question'}} |
GraphistryState A GraphistryState Observable that emits the result of the operation
.pipe(encodeIcons('point', 'icon', 'some_attr'))
Single-argument version of encodeColor used for React props
Name | Type | Description |
array: | Array | undefined to reset; str to use directly; [str attr, 'categorical' or 'continuous', [ str ] or mapping] |
GraphistryState A GraphistryState Observable that emits the result of the operation
.pipe(encodePointColor(['degree', 'categorical', ['black', 'white']]))
Single-argument point change icons based on an attribute for React props
Name | Type | Description |
array: | Array | undefined to reset; str to use directly; [str attr, mapping] |
GraphistryState A GraphistryState Observable that emits the result of the operation
.pipe(encodePointIcons(['some_attr', some_mapping]))
Single-argument point change size based on an attribute for React props
Name | Type | Description |
array: | Array | undefined to reset; str to use directly; [str attr, mapping] |
GraphistryState A GraphistryState Observable that emits the result of the operation
.pipe(encodePointSize(['some_attr', some_mapping]))
encodeSize(graphTypeopt, attributeopt)
Change size based on an attribute. Pass null for attribute, mapping to clear.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
graphType | GraphType | <optional> | 'point' |
attribute | Attribute | <optional> | name of data column, e.g., 'degree' |
GraphistryState A GraphistryState Observable that emits the result of the operation
.pipe(encodeSize('point', 'community_infomap'))
Read the workbook ID
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
cb | function | <optional> | Callback function of type callback(error, result) |
GraphistryState A GraphistryState Observable that emits the result of the operation
.subscribe(function (workbook) {
alert('id: ' +
labelUpdates({@link) → {Observable.<Observable.<LabelEvent>>}
Get or create an Observable stream of all label updates from the visualization.
The Observable returned by this method emits inner Observables, where each inner Observable is tied to the lifetime of the label for which it was created.
For each label rendered in the visualization, the Observable returned by this method will create and emit a new inner Observable. The inner Observable will emit events when the label changes. For example, if the user clicks on the label, or the label changes position because of a pan/zoom, the inner Observable will emit an event.
The inner Observable for a label will complete if the label is removed from the screen.
Name | Type | Description |
{@link | GraphistryState} [g] A GraphistryState Observable or depricated, cache an object. |
An Observable of inner {Observables}, where each inner Observable represents the lifetime of a label in the visualization.
- Type:
- Observable.<Observable.<LabelEvent>>
map(g => labelUpdates(g)),
tap(({ id, tag, pageX, pageY }) => {
// prints messages like
// > 'Label 13 added at (200, 340)'
// > 'Label 74 updated at (750, 100)'
console.log(`Label ${id} ${tag} at (${pageX}, ${pageY})`);
tap(function ({ id, pageX, pageY }) {
console.log(`Label ${id} removed at (${pageX}, ${pageY})`);
//first use
.pipe(map((g) => labelUpdates(g)))
//second time reuse the cache to avoid excess event queue slowdowns
.pipe(map((g) => labelUpdates(g)))
(private) makeCaller(modelName, args)
Serialization and coordination for formatting postMessage API calls, used with GraphistryState Observables
Name | Type | Description |
modelName | string | 'view' or 'workbook' |
args | any | anything to pass as falcor .call(...args) |
GraphistryState Observable
makeCaller('view', 'tick', []),
makeCaller('view', 'tick', []))
(private) makeCallerJSON(modelName, args)
Serialization and coordination for formatting postMessage API calls, used with GraphistryState Observables. Adds json desrialization to makeCaller.
Name | Type | Description |
modelName | string | 'view' or 'workbook' |
args | any | anything to pass as falcor .call(...args) |
GraphistryState Observable
makeCaller('view', 'tick', []),
makeCaller('view', 'tick', []))
makeGetter(modelName, …args)
Serialization and coordination for formatting postMessage API calls, used with GraphistryState Observable
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
modelName | string | ||
args | any | <repeatable> | anything to pass as falcor .get(...args) |
GraphistryState Observable
makeGetterJSON(modelName, …args)
Serialization and coordination for formatting postMessage API calls, used with GraphistryState Observable. Adds json desrialization to makeGetter.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
modelName | string | ||
args | any | <repeatable> |
GraphistryState Observable
(private) makeSetter(modelName, value)
Serialization and coordination for formatting postMessage API calls, used with GraphistryState Observables
Name | Type | Description |
modelName | string | 'view' or 'workbook' |
value | string | $value path/value pair |
GraphistryState Observable
.pipe(makeSetter('view', $value('viz.width', 500)))
(private) makeSetterWithModel(modelName, value)
Serialization and coordination for formatting postMessage API calls, used with GraphistryState Observables
Name | Type | Description |
modelName | string | 'view' or 'workbook' |
value | string | $value path/value pair |
GraphistryState Observable
.pipe(makeSetterWithModel('view', model => myValuesFromModel(model)))
Reset color encoding
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
graphType | GraphType | <optional> | 'point' or 'edge' |
GraphistryState A GraphistryState Observable that emits the result of the operation
resetEdgeColor() → {GraphistryState}
Reset the edge color encoding
A GraphistryState Observable that emits the result of the operation
- Type:
- GraphistryState
resetEdgeIcons() → {GraphistryState}
Reset the edge icon encoding
A GraphistryState Observable that emits the result of the operation
- Type:
- GraphistryState
resetIcons(graphTypeopt) → {GraphistryState}
Reset the icon encoding
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
graphType | GraphType | <optional> | 'point' or 'edge' |
A GraphistryState Observable that emits the result of the operation
- Type:
- GraphistryState
resetPointColor() → {GraphistryState}
Reset the point color encoding
A GraphistryState Observable that emits the result of the operation
- Type:
- GraphistryState
resetPointIcons() → {GraphistryState}
Reset the point icon encoding
A GraphistryState Observable that emits the result of the operation
- Type:
- GraphistryState
resetPointSize() → {GraphistryState}
Reset the point size encoding
A GraphistryState Observable that emits the result of the operation
- Type:
- GraphistryState
resetSize(graphTypeopt) → {GraphistryState}
Reset the size encoding
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
graphType | GraphType | <optional> | 'point' |
A GraphistryState Observable that emits the result of the operation
- Type:
- GraphistryState
Save the current workbook. A saved workbook will persist the analytics state of the visualization, including active filters and exclusions
GraphistryState A GraphistryState Observable that emits the result of the operation
selectionUpdates({@link) → {Subscription}
Get or create an Observable stream of all selection updates from the visualization. UNSTABLE: This API is subject to change in future versions. The security model for this is being developed, in the mean time it is disabled by default. Contact us for help to prototype this feature.
Name | Type | Description |
{@link | GraphistryState} [g] A GraphistryState Observable |
A Subscription that can be used to react to the selection updates
- Type:
- Subscription
tap(({ edge, point}) => console.log('Edge array:', edge, 'Point array:', point)),
UNSTABLE: Set the highlight. Currently, this uses internal ids and will be updated to use external ids.
Name | Type | Description |
selection | Object | point array, edge array and darken boolean |
GraphistryState A GraphistryState Observable that emits the result of the operation
.pipe(setHighlightExternal({point: [1, 2, 3], edge: []}))
UNSTABLE: Set the selection. Currently, this uses internal ids and will be updated to use external ids.
Name | Type | Description |
selection | Object | point array and edge array |
GraphistryState A GraphistryState Observable that emits the result of the operation
.pipe(setSelectionExternal({point: [1, 2, 3], edge: []}))
subscribeLabels() → {Subscription}
Subscribe to label change and exit events
Type | Description |
Object | An Object with |
A Subscription that can be used to stop reacting to label updates
- Type:
- Subscription
var sub = graphistryJS(document.getElementById('viz'))
.pipe((g) => subscribeLabels({
onChange: (label) => {
console.log(`Label ${} changed at (${label.pageX}, ${label.pageY})`);
onExit: (label) => {
console.log(`Label ${} removed at (${label.pageX}, ${label.pageY})`);
onError: (e) => {
console.error('Error in label subscription', e);
setTimeout(() => { sub.unsubscribe(); }, 5000);
subscribeSelections() → {Subscription}
Subscribe to selection change events
Type | Description |
Object | An Object with |
A Subscription that can be used to stop reacting to label updates
- Type:
- Subscription
var sub = graphistryJS(document.getElementById('viz'))
.pipe((g) => subscribeSelections({
onChange: ({ edge, point}) => console.log('Edge array:', edge, 'Point array:', point)
setTimeout(() => { sub.unsubscribe(); }, 5000);
Toggle histogram panel
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
turnOn | boolean | <optional> | Whether to make panel visible |
GraphistryState A GraphistryState Observable that emits the result of the operation
Toggle inspector panel
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
turnOn | boolean | <optional> | Whether to make panel visible |
GraphistryState A GraphistryState Observable that emits the result of the operation
togglePanel(panelopt, turnOnopt)
Toggle a top menu panel on/off. If panel is an array, interpret as [panel, turnOn]. Only one panel is turned on; the rest are turned off.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
panel | string | <optional> | Name of panel: filters, exclusions, scene, labels, layout |
turnOn | boolean | <optional> | Whether to make panel visible, or turn all off |
GraphistryState A GraphistryState Observable that emits the result of the operation
.pipe(togglePanel('filters', true));
Toggle timebars panel
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
turnOn | boolean | <optional> | Whether to make panel visible |
Graphistry A Graphistry Observable that emits the result of the operation
Hide or Show Toolbar UI
Name | Type | Description |
show | boolean | Set to true to show toolbar, and false to hide toolbar. |
GraphistryState A GraphistryState Observable that emits the result of the operation
<button onclick="g.pipe(toggleToolbar(false)).subcribe()">Hide toolbar</button>
<button onclick="g.pipe(toggleToolbar(true)).subscribe()">Show toolbar</button>
updateSetting(name, val)
Modify a settings value in the visualization
Available Settings | Value Type |
showToolbar | boolean |
pruneOrphans | boolean |
showArrows | boolean |
background | color as hex or rgba string |
edgeOpacity | number (0 to 1) |
edgeSize | number (0.1 to 10) |
edgeCurvature | number (0.1 to 1) |
pointOpacity | number (0 to 1) |
pointSize | number (0.1 to 10) |
neighborhoodHighlight | string ("incoming", "outgoing", "both", "none") |
neighborhoodHighlightHops | uint |
zoom | uint |
center | const 0 |
labelOpacity | boolean |
labelEnabled | boolean |
labelPOI | boolean |
labelLabelPOI | boolean |
labelHighlightEnabled | boolean |
labelInspectorEnabled | boolean |
labelShowActions | boolean |
labelColor | color as hex or rgba string |
labelBackground | color as hex or rgba string |
precisionVsSpeed | int (-5 to +5) |
gravity | number (0 to 10) |
scalingRatio | number (0 to 10) |
edgeInfluence | number (0 to 10) |
strongGravity | boolean |
dissuadeHubs | boolean |
linLog | boolean |
lockedX | boolean |
lockedY | boolean |
lockedR | boolean |
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | the name of the setting to change |
val | string | the value to set the setting to. |
GraphistryState A GraphistryState Observable that emits the result of the operation
.pipe(updateSetting('background', 'red'))
Update the camera zoom level
Name | Type | Description |
level | number | Controls how far to zoom in or out. |
GraphistryState A GraphistryState Observable that emits the result of the operation
.pipe(updateZoom(2), delay(2000), updateZoom(0.5))