Whether the current token is valid
Promise for the authentication token
Helper to fetch a token for a given user
The URI to upload to.
The payload to upload.
Optionally override base header object to mix with auth header for the upload.
The response from the server.
See examples at top of file
Set JWT token if already known
The token to use for authentication.
The client instance.
Get the authentication token for the current user. By default, reuses current token if available.
If true, forces a new token to be generated; defaults to false
The authentication token
Create a Client
Graphistry server username
Graphistry server password
Override URL base path shown in browsers. By default uses protocol/host combo, e.g., https://hub.graphistry.com
For more examples, see @graphistry/node-api and @graphistry/js-upload-api docs
Class wrapping @graphistry/js-upload-api::Client for client->server File and Dataset uploads.