Python Endpoint

The Python endpoint is a Graphistry server endpoint which allows code written in Python to be run server side directly. This allows a user to take advantage of computational resources (particularly GPU resources) available on the Graphistry server using cuDF, pygraphistry, and other libraries. It can also be used to perform reduce operations on large datasets without incurring the cost of transfering all the data back to the client.

This feature is currently only available to enterprise users. A configuration environment variable needs to be set to enable this feature. On a per-user basis, access to the Python endpoint can also controlled using the `flag_python_endpoint` Waffle flag set within Graphistry.


POST /api/v2/datasets/<dataset_id>/python

This endpoint accepts requests to execute Python code, returning data in either string or JSON form.


Requests to this endpoint require a valid JWT token passed as a Bearer token in the Authorization header, or are authenticated by a CSRF token included with the cookies sent with a request.

Authorization: Bearer <your_jwt_token>

Request Parameters

URL Parameters:

  • dataset_id (required): String containing a unique identifier of the dataset to pass into the executed Python function.

Body Parameters (JSON):

Parameter Type Default Description
execute string - String containing valid Python code which can be executed server-side. The endpoint expects that the Python code string will contain a function task which will be executed. This function is required to accept a single argument, which will be passed the Graphistry plottable object containing the dataset specified previously. The endpoint expects that this function will return either a Python str or a JSON serializable dict which will be returned to the user. There are currently no restrictions on the code which can be run using the Python endpoint. Import statements can be used to import all standard Python libraries in addition to a handful of other libraries, including but not limited to graphistry, cudf, numpy, and pandas. Warning: there are currently no safeguards around the endpoint such as timeouts and multithreading, bad execute requests may require the container to be restarted. Any uncaught errors in the executed code will be returned via a JSON error message.


The response will depend on the type of the data returned from the task function provided, and can either be JSON or string.

Simple Python query returning the full serialized dataset

curl -X POST "http://<host>/api/v2/datasets/<dataset_id>/python" \
 -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_jwt_token>" \
 -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
 -d "
    \"execute\": \" \
        def task(g): \
            return { \
                'nodes': g._nodes.to_dict(orient='records') if g._nodes is not None else [], \
                'edges': g._edges.to_dict(orient='records') if g._edges is not None else [] \
            } \
  "nodes": [
    {"id": "1", "name": "Alice", "age": 30},
  "edges": [
    {"source": "1", "target": "2", "relation": "knows"}