Upload Data (2.0 API)


The 2.0 lowermost upload REST API involves the following steps:

  1. Generate a short-living JWT session token using your account credentials
  2. To upload into an organization, specify field org_name for Files and Datasets
  3. Optionally (recommended) upload your data as Files. The fastest, most scalable, and most reliable formats are ORC/Parquet/Arrow formats.
  4. Create a visualization Dataset with any optional configuration (JSON) describing how to turn your data into a graph. If you didn't upload data in the previous step (recommended), you can do it here.

Several convenience methods and language-specific client libraries make it even easier to use.


  • Graphistry's built-in notebook server: If you are using the REST API through the provided Jupyter Notebook, you will likely want to use the Docker internal network base path of http://nginx.
  • Trailing slashes: Take note of the use of trailing slashes ("/").

For examples, the documentation includes example curl calls. For Python examples, see PyGraphistry's ArrowUploader class.

List Datasets

Route Method Headers Parameters Return
api/v2/datasets/ GET Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer YOUR_JWT_TOKEN
  ?"limit": int,
  ?"offset": int,
  "count": int,
  "next": str | null,
  "previous": str | null,
  "results": [{
    "dataset_id": str,
    "name": str,
    "slug": str | null,
    "author": int,
    "node_count": int | null,
    "edge_count": int | null,
    "agent_name": str,
    "agent_version": str,
    "uri_tag": str,
    "description": str,
    "image": str,
    "created_at": str,
    "updated_at": str,
    "node_files": [str | [ str, int ]],
    "edge_files": [str | [ str, int ]],
    "node_transform": str,
    "edge_transform": str,
    "edge_hypergraph_transform": [{}],
    "compute": json,
    "layout": json,
    "node_encodings": {
      bindings: json,
    "edge_encodings": {
      bindings: json,
    "metadata": json,
    "timestamp": str,
    "legacy_dataset_name": str | null,
    "legacy_dataset_author": str | null
curl -X GET \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer my_generated_token" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  "count": 1,
  "next": null,
  "previous": null,
  "results": [
      "dataset_id": "8d72f1d3fd5d4be4a0944e9bd1032dd4",
      "name": "dataset_name",
      "slug": null,
      "author": 1,
      "node_count": null,
      "edge_count": null,
      "agent_name": null,
      "agent_version": null,
      "uri_tag": null,
      "description": "dataset description",
      "image": "1",
      "created_at": "2024-05-17T18:46:15.376525Z",
      "updated_at": "2024-05-17T18:46:15.376536Z",
      "node_files": [
      "edge_files": [
      "node_transform": "",
      "edge_transform": "",
      "edge_hypergraph_transform": [],
      "compute": null,
      "layout": null,
      "node_encodings": {
        "bindings": {
          "node": "id"
      "edge_encodings": {
        "bindings": {
          "source": "s",
          "destination": "d"
      "metadata": {
        "agent": "",
        "apiversion": "3"
      "timestamp": "2024-05-17T18:46:15.376580Z",
      "legacy_dataset_name": null,
      "legacy_dataset_author": null

Create dataset

There are serveral sets of options:

Logo style follows the CSS filter specification and CSS gradients. Blend mode values follow the CSS mix-blend-mode specification. For setting additional style properties, see the URL API and how to set encodings.

The node_files and edge_files refer to the string file_id returned by /file/ API calls and the index of the table(s) in them. You can use them in two ways:

  • First/only table in the file: edge_files: [ "file_id123" ]
  • Arbitrary table #22 in the file: edge_files: [ ["file_id123", 22] ]

Route Method Headers Parameters Return
api/v2/upload/datasets/ POST Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer YOUR_JWT_TOKEN
  ?"org_name": str,
  "node_encodings": {
    "bindings": {
      ?"node": str,
      ?"node_color": str,
      ?"node_label": str,
      ?"node_opacity": str,
      ?"node_size": str,
      ?"node_title": str,
      ?"node_weight": str
    ?"complex": [ see complex section ]
  ?"node_files": [ str | [ str, int ] ],
  "edge_encodings": {
    "bindings": {
      "source": str, 
      "destination": str,
      ?"edge_color": str,
      ?"edge_label": str,
      ?"edge_opacity": str,
      ?"edge_size": str,
      ?"edge_title": str,
      ?"edge_weight": str
    ?"complex": [ see complex section ]
  ?"edge_hypergraph_transform": [{
    ?"entity_types": [ str ],
    ?"direct": bool,
    ?"drop_edge_attrs": bool,
    ?"opts": {
      ?'EVENTID': str,
      ?'CATEGORIES': {
        str: [ str ]
      ?'DELIM': str,
      ?'SKIP': [ str ],
      ?'EDGES': {
        str: [ str ]
  ?"edge_files": [ str | [ str, int ] ],
  "metadata": { ?[ see metadata section ] }
  "name": str,
  ?"description": str
  "data": {"dataset_id": str},
  "message": str,
  "success": bool

curl -s -L -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer my_generated_token" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d'{"node_encodings": {"bindings": {}}, \
      "edge_encodings": {"bindings": { \
          "source": "s", "destination": "d"}}, \
      "metadata": {}, "name": "mytestviz"}' \

  "data": {"dataset_id": "my_generated_dataset_id"},
  "message": "Dataset created",
  "success": true

curl -s -L -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer my_generated_token" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d'{"node_encodings": {"bindings": {}}, \
      "node_files": [ "my_fileid123" ],
      "edge_files": [ ["my_fileid456", 1 ] ]
      "edge_encodings": {"bindings": { \
          "source": "s", "destination": "d"}}, \
      "metadata": {}, "name": "mytestviz"}' \

  "data": {"dataset_id": "my_generated_dataset_id"},
  "message": "Dataset created",
  "success": true

Delete dataset

Route Method Headers Parameters Return
api/v2/datasets/<dataset_id> DELETE Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer YOUR_JWT_TOKEN
HTTP code 204

curl -s -L -X DELETE \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer my_generated_token" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \



The hypergraph transform gets enabled when using the parameter edge_hypergraph_transform.

The hypergraph transforms creates a node for every unique value in the entity_types columns (default: all columns). If direct=False (default), every row is also turned into a node.

The transform will dictate the src/dst edge columns based on whether direct=True (src/dst vs EventID/attribID). By default, the node ID column should be nodeID, unless you provide your own node table.

Ex: Connect all columns through the row: row -> employee, boss, subsidary, year_hired, ...

  "node_encodings": {"bindings": {"node": "nodeID"}},
  "edge_encodings": {"bindings": {"source": "EventID", "destination": "attribID"}},
  "edge_files": ["FILE_123"],
  "metadata": {},
  "name": "hyper_123",
  "edge_hypergraph_transform": [{}]

Ex: Connect employee, boss, and subsidary together (no rows), merge employee/boss nodes that use the same name, control edges creation, and do not show nulls

  "node_encodings": {"bindings": {"node": "nodeID"}},
  "edge_encodings": {"bindings": {"source": "src", "destination": "dst"}},
  "edge_files": ["FILE_123"],
  "metadata": {},
  "name": "hyper_123",
  "edge_hypergraph_transform": [{
    "entity_types": [ "employee", "boss", "subsidary" ],
    "direct": true,
    "drop_na": true,
    "drop_edge_attrs": true,
    "opts": {
      "CATEGORIES": {
        "person": [ "employee", "boss" ]
      "EDGES": {
        "person": [ "boss", "subsidary" ],
        "subsidary": [ "boss" ]