Color bindings

When binding to colors, you can provide RGB values or use numbers that correspond to palette entry indexes. To provide RGB values, provide int64 values, while for palette values, use int32 values. Note that uint values are currently not supported. For untyped formats, Graphistry attempts to infer whether a palette is being used.

Example: Providing point colors as RGB values

In the following code, the PyGraphistry library will automatically convert Pandas pd.Series(dtype='int64') columns into Apache Arrow int64 buffers for transport.

# Colors: red, green, blue
  'myRGBCol': pd.Series([0xFF000000, 0x00FF0000, 0x0000FF00], dtype='int64')

Example: Providing point colors as palette colors

In the following code, the PyGraphistry library will automatically convert Pandas pd.Series(dtype='int32') columns into Apache Arrow int32 buffers for transport.

      'myPaletteCol': pd.Series([2, 4, 6], dtype='int32')